My Newest Adventure

One never knows what a day will bring. It is astonishing to wake up each morning in this remarkable journey of loving, serving, and obeying our Lord Jesus Christ, and wonder how did we arrive here?

One thing is for sure, you do not get bored serving the Lord. Living out true Biblical Christianity is the greatest adventure known to man. If that is not happening for folks, they are not believing, thinking, and doing God’s life right.  

This day that the Lord has made, however, brings an opportunity to write the first blog post for our new podcast that will be debuting soon. It is called Kingdom Moments with Rusty Thomas. Hopefully, a fresh blog post will be added weekly on our website.

 Perhaps, the first question to answer is why start a podcast? This segues nicely to what I perceive are the two main Kingdom directives that must be accomplished to end well for the Lord. 

 When I was a younger man, the Scriptures that leaped from the pages were all battle passages. I never day-dreamed much about heaven, but only to storm the gates of hell by advancing God’s Kingdom and His great salvation amongst men and nations. As I age, however, the Scriptures that leap from the page are now, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children” (Proverbs 13:22a).

 First, it is imperative to advance God’s Kingdom by investing in this next generation and the generations to come. God willing, some of the main ways to accomplish this first righteous goal is through this podcast, our online school,, Elijah Ministries,, and Jeremiah Strong,

Prayerfully, through other episodes, more Kingdom projects that enhance this first goal will be revealed as the Lord leads us in His service.  

 Psalm 71:17, 18 declares, “O God, You have taught me from my youth; and to this day I declare Your wondrous works. Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.”

​If you were to ask the average Christian today what their fifty year plan to advance God’s Kingdom in the earth is, most would stare back in bewilderment. One of the reasons for this podcast and other Kingdom projects is to help remove some of that bafflement from the Body of Christ. We are seeking the Lord to grant vision and mission to secure a future and a hope for the church of the living God.

 We are not interested in promoting the theological escapism and cultural retreatism that has led to the cultural corruption and governmental tyranny that defines this age. If Christians are interested in being “raptured” from the godly responsibility to be salt and light to fulfill the Great Commission, this podcast is not for them.

 In Psalm 71, King David revealed a multi-generational Kingdom vision, mission, and message. This prophet, poet, warrior, statesman was keenly aware of life’s continuum—the past, the present, and the future. Notice first, he acknowledged the training received from his youth.

 What was the nature of his instruction? It is safe to assume that he learned the history of his people and God’s dealings with Israel. David discovered his righteous heritage and glorious legacy. He also learned of Israel’s many failings and God’s warnings to his people. This knowledge was essential for his visionary leadership.

​Not content to remain in the past, however, King David applied the lessons from Israel’s past to his present time. He worked and prayed to demonstrate God’s strength to his generation. As he matured in years and in faith, however, his commitment to God extended to future generations.

​King David longed to influence a people who were yet to be born. He wanted God to impact his posterity, even though they would never meet him on this side of eternity. Did God honor his request and fulfill his understanding of the continuum? Judge for yourself; Acts 13:36 states, “For David after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption.”

 Besides that, Proverbs 1:20-23 states, “Wisdom calls aloud outside; She raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city She speaks her words:  “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge. Turn at my rebuke; Surely, I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you.”

 For the last forty years, we have taken the Gospel of the Kingdom to the streets, culture, and statehouses throughout America and the world. With the advent of modern technology and social media, however, the public square is rapidly changing. It is important that we as Christians take the Gospel of the Kingdom where people are communicating in the modern era.  

 What can people expect from this podcast? We know there are many podcasts that others subscribe to that are much better than this feeble attempt to create a new one. We get it. There are no illusions of grandeur here. However, our prayer is to consecrate this podcast to the Lord to be a venue that He can use to reach others with the glorious good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom. For our part, the desire is to be, “vessels for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work” (2 Timothy 2:21). It is our sincere prayer that this podcast will be a good work our Lord can bless.

 The goal of Kingdom Moments with Rusty Thomas is to start with God’s Word as the foundation of all that is communicated. From there, the desire will be to build carefully upon it to faithfully present Biblical truth that will glorify God and benefit those who listen.     

 Next, the Apostle John stated, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 1:4). This podcast would not be possible apart from my 13 children. I want to thank them for challenging me to love and good works as I age. My son, Micah Samuel Thomas, once challenged me to write a book on child training called Raising Godly Children in a Godless Age. You can order one on Amazon, if interested.

It was my daughter, Destiny Lee Hall, who pestered me to start this podcast and it is my son, Josiah Justice Thomas,who used his talents to perform the music intro. I’m a blessed man who has his quiver full of Kingdom arrows. When Destiny first approached me about doing a podcast, it was rather comical. She took my head in between her hands, squeezed and said, “Dad, we got to take what’s up in here and get it there” as she thrust her hands on the computer. It is indeed a great joy to serve the Lord with my children.

 Some of you may not know the testimony of our family, but hopefully through this podcast, you will come to know us better, and it will be a blessing to your family. The many trials we have gone through have served as a consolation to others throughout the world. Many contact us to share their devastating circumstances and heavy burdens. Somehow, they view our family and ministry as a source of hope. We want that ministry to grow through this venue as well.

 At this stage of my life, not only do I have many children and grandchildren, but through the years, the Lord has allowed me to become a spiritual father to many sons and daughters of the faith.

 There is a deep father’s wound and hurt out therethat needs to be healed. It is to the point that we raised a generation that does not know the difference between a boy and a girl anymore. The sexual confusion savaging this generation is brutal to behold. May the Lord use this podcast to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the children’s hearts to their fathers to remove this curse upon our land (Malachi 4:5, 6).  


Kingdom Moments with Rusty Thomas will also attempt to address the burning issues of the day at times and hold them up to the light Holy Writ. The redemptive purpose will be to equip those who listen on how to think and act Biblically during these tumultuous, deceptive times, filled with delusion.


We intend to interview men and women who have expertise in certain areas that will prayerfully be a source of inspiration to help disciple those who subscribe to the podcast. We will also let you know of upcoming events, conferences, and opportunities to serve the Lord in the battle for the souls of men, the lives of children, and the future of our beleaguered nation.

 So, there it is in a nut shell, my friends. Your prayers and participation in this podcast will be greatly appreciated. If you find any merit in this Kingdom project, please pass it on in your sphere of influence to rally your family, friends, and churches to join this podcast family in the Lord.

 God bless you saints and keep pressing on to the high call and prize in Jesus’ name! 



