America Under Siege

America under Siege 

This article was written several years ago. As we were fighting the battle to abolish abortion, the homosexual agenda became more manifest. Psalms 106 assures us that when a nation commits child sacrifice and sheds innocent blood, it nourishes the demonic realm as it pollutes and defiles the land (Psalms 106:37-39).

It, at first, shocked me to find most of the death camps were defended by deathscorts who were homosexual. On the surface, it didn’t make any sense. The only thing homosexuals were reproducing was death. Most of them do not live out half their days and that is apart from HIV Aids plague (Psalms 55:23). They certainly weren’t having children to lead them to the slaughter. So, what was their purpose for being there? Why were they hell bent on making sure others could murder their children under their protection?

I’ve learned in this ministry that most of the time the enemies of the Lord know this battle a whole lot better than the church of the living God. Homosexuals know where they find their empowerment and where their lust is enriched. Abortion is the bloody sacrament of their pagan religion and they have a vested interest in keeping it legal.

Most of what is written in this article as a warning was not heeded and the homosexual agenda, for the most part, has accomplished their demonic goals. They went from asking for tolerance to acceptance, from acceptance to celebration, and from celebration to supremacy. Here is the thing. Though our nation and most of the world has caved to sodomy and now consider it normal, Almighty God will never accept it. Biblically, He has destroyed those who practiced it and nations that condoned it and He changes not.

If we as a nation cannot say no to sodomy, how can we say no to any other sexual deviancy?  

America is under siege!  A dark cloud is gathering, casting a foreboding shadow over the land of Liberty. Our nation has been systematically targeted and is currently under assault by an aggressive campaign to overthrow our political, religious, and moral foundations. The “gay” community, which represents about 2 percent of the population, has openly declared war on the traditional values of America. Their declaration is a comprehensive one that is seeking to influence every aspect of our lives, government, and culture.

The following boast should send shivers down the back of any person endowed with a moral sense.  I forewarn you it is not for the faint of heart, but it gives insight to the dark spirit driving the homosexual juggernaut.  Homosexual, Michael Swift, in 1987 unabashedly declared:

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies.  We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together.  Your sons will become our minions and do our bidding.  They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.  

The homosexual agenda based upon this vision from Hades is constantly pushing the envelope, becoming more widespread, and more skillfully structured with each passing day. It reaches into our media, government, corporations, schools, libraries, and tragically, even into some of our mainline churches.

Using the AIDS crisis as a sympathetic sledge hammer, gay activists are beating America into submission to their ungodly agenda. Ralph Diamond, a gay activist declared, “Don’t call us AIDS victims. AIDS is not my weakness, AIDS is my strength.” This so-called “strength” has indeed lowered our moral resistance. It has politicized a deadly disease, commandeered our tax dollars to fund the homosexual agenda, and ultimately presents a risk not only to our fragile values, but it places at greater risk the lives that are being recruited into this unbridled promiscuity.

Some in America are treating the homosexual agenda to “you can have your cake and eat it too” binge. Little realizing this chic manifestation of rebellion has wrought a health care nightmare. We have spent years, much capital, and research to discover the “cure” for AIDS. In all this time, no one dares state the obvious. It is the homosexual practice itself that leads to their great afflictions. The human body was not made to handle the abuse demanded by their perverted acts.

The reason is self-evident; the human body was designed for a heterosexual function. Contrary to the modern mentality, the sexual act was not instituted for mere recreational purposes. It was established by God for procreation as well. This is why God bans all manner of sexual expression outside the bonds of marital fidelity. Fornication, sex outside of marriage, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, and incest are all prohibited by our Creator. These forbidden practices are not instituted to steal pleasure from men, but to protect men from the ravages of sin. When we violate God’s moral commandments, we incur massive physical and psychological damage.   

Herein lies a major rub in the homosexual debate; there must be a measure of consistency for something to ring true. This is where homosexuality fails miserably. If homosexuality was natural, inbred, and inherent as many advocates proclaim, what would happen to the human race if everybody was orientated towards a same sex attraction? How long would the human race endure? It is this very dilemma that inspired the Bible to describe homosexuality as the “burning out of man.” Whenever a nation allows this abomination to run rampant, it is a sign that nation is on the brink of collapse.    

To state these truths, however, may incite the thought police to accuse me of a hate crime. How is this possible? Many times I have witnessed firsthand the cry of homosexuals, “stop killing us!” Translation, your homophobia, your moral objections to our sinful acts, is responsible for our disease, mental anguish, and our deaths. 

In the bizarre world of political correctness, it is not the unnatural acts of sodomy that leads to disease and death. No, it is the people who object to sexual immorality that richly deserve the blame. This is insanity on parade supported by our tax dollars. In another time, not only would sodomy be criminalized, but those infected by AIDS would be quarantined. Today, this notion is condemned, resulting in the spread of a deadly disease, simply because America has lost the moral fortitude to condemn a lifestyle that not only destroys those who practice it, but eventually a nation that condones it.      

This article carries a warning.  It is written to hopefully persuade those who read this to rise up to ensure that this moral wrong does not become another “civil right.” For once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it is near impossible to put it back in again. Moreover, this abomination, along with child-killing (abortion) is the two main sponsors promoting the moral chaos, perversion, and violent barbarism that are running rampant in this generation. Yes, there is a direct connection between our moral and spiritual state and the litany of woe coming upon our nation.

In 21st century America, homosexuality is the new “cool.” It arrogantly presents itself as the latest “rebel with a cause,” or as observed in their public displays, it is all about “Gay Pride.”  Never mind the fact, that God condemns pride. He warns of its slippery slope, which inevitably leads to a fall, shame, and destruction (Proverbs 16:18). 

In many instances, homosexuality instigates children to flaunt their sexual rebellion in the face of their grieved parents as it wraps its perversion in the American flag.  From there, they proceed to parade their sin down main street, USA, while designating June as their official “Gay Month.” To this point, they have successfully captured the rainbow, the month of June, and a host of other entities in America.  As I write, they are seeking to capture and corrupt the institution of marriage and hold it hostage in the land of the free and the home of the brave.   

How can America in good conscience stand idly by while our precious liberties are being turned into licentiousness? If America is to survive, we mustn't tolerate what God deems intolerable. We cannot make straight what God has called crooked. We cannot continue to turn moral wrongs into civil rights and thrive as a people.  For the sake of our children and for the future of our nation, this immoral madness must end or homosexual fascism will end America as we have known it.

The proponents who seek to make homosexuality tolerated, celebrated, and a special federally protected class in our nation; correctly view the Judeo-Christian ethic as their greatest obstacle to overcome. They feign themselves in public as victims being oppressed by anyone who disagrees with their immoral lifestyle, especially those “Bible-thumping, homophobic bigots.”

They fiercely denounce and oppose those who believe that homosexuality is a deviant and abhorrent practice based upon the sound teaching of the Bible. This is tantamount to suppressing their sexual freedom with what President Obama characterized as “worn arguments and old attitudes.”  They compare their plight to those who used the Bible to oppress African-Americans through the horrid practice of slavery. A convenient argument to illustrate their position, but is it completely rooted in reality?

It is true, historically, that there were some who twisted the Scriptures to justify slavery. However, it is the liberal, homosexual theologians of today who are following this same pattern of tampering with Holy Writ to justify their self-imposed, sexual bondage.  They must twist the Scriptures to rationalize their godless lifestyle. In the name of God’s love, the homosexual community flagrantly sins against God, their own bodies, and their assorted sexual partners, in which, there are many.

Based up the homosexual hermeneutic (system of interpreting the Bible or classical literature) one can make the argument that “there is no God.” The Scriptures do record this exact phrase. The Psalmist clearly wrote, “there is no God (Psalm 14:1b).” To justify this position in the Bible, all you have to do is conveniently omit the introduction to this statement, “The fool has said in his heart” and bingo, a new doctrine emerges. The atheist can now with a clear conscience truly believe that he was right all along.  

The Gay Agenda Exposed

 Leaders of the “Gay Movement” see traditional Christian teaching as the last bastion that continues to cause universal disapproval and rejection of their depraved behavior. Thus, there is an all-out effort to overcome, subvert, and discredit Christians who hold fast to Biblical truth. Their deceptive plan has been:

·         To twist the Scriptures to justify their lifestyle.

·         To subvert mainline denominations and then use them as launching pads to attack Bible-believing churches. 

·         To present homosexuals as intelligent, compassionate, caring, and even heroic, while those who oppose their agenda as those who suffer from some dark deviant fear, i.e. homophobia. Thus labeling the majority of Americans as abnormal, while they flaunt their perversions as normal.

·         To elevate their sexual preference to a minority status and thereby equate their agenda as a civil rights struggle.

To blame God for making them that way, i.e. genetics, thereby deceiving themselves and the public into thinking that they are not responsible for their inappropriate behavior.

The Bible and Homosexuality

According to the Bible, homosexuality and lesbianism are abominations in the sight of the Lord, perversions of the creatures He made in His image. Genesis 1:27 states, “male and female created He them (heterosexual).” Sodomy is a sin of the gravest nature and has produced one of the most serious plagues known to man, i.e. AIDS.

In Romans 1:28, Paul wrote that sodomy is one of two sins in which God may abandon sinners, turning them over to a reprobate mind which sears their conscience, ruins their reason, and twists their logic. (A reprobate mind truly believes good is evil and evil is good.) The other dangerous sin is the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (Matthew 12:31, 32).

God warns man against the sin of sodomy, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22).”  “Defile not yourselves” in this sin, commands the Lord God (Leviticus 18:24; see also Deuteronomy 23:17).”

Sodomy brings catastrophic consequences upon the city or nation that approves of it, condones it, or fails to stand against it.  Leviticus 18:25 states, “The land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.” One just has to call to remembrance the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah to realize this is not a matter of civil rights, it is a question of national survival.  In 2 Peter 2:6 and Jude 7, the word of God emphatically declares that God turned those cities to ashes to serve as an example to future generations that would be tempted to follow in their pernicious ways.

Biblically, sodomy promotes idolatry, invites false gods, and nurtures apostasies. It spawns additional perversions, such as pedophilia and bestiality. It gnaws at the vitals and rots the soul.  First, the soul of those who indulge in its lusts and evils, and, ultimately, the soul of the nation which permits it to continue unchallenged. Historically, rampant homosexuality has been one of the social malignancies that have preceded the fall of nations (Greece, Rome, etc.). 

Homosexuality and Civil Rights

Socially, the homosexual agenda seeks to hijack the legitimate civil rights struggle to further their perverted goals. Case in point is Patricia Schroeder, the former Democratic Congresswoman from Colorado who tried to appeal to former General Colin Powell to support gays in the military. She mistakenly equated the gay revolt to the plight of the African-American’s struggle for equality in our nation.  Mr. Powell’s response is apropos, “Skin color is a benign, non-behavioral characteristic.  Sexual orientation is perhaps the most profound of human behavioral characteristics, comparison of the two is a convenient but invalid argument.”

Besides, when one observes the sexual proclivities of Americans, there is evidence that sometimes heterosexuals have committed homosexual acts and homosexuals have committed heterosexual acts.  Clearly, having sex is a choice, an act, based upon conduct and not some innate quality, like the color of our skin, which removes personal responsibility of those engaged in sexual practices. 

Church in America

 Obviously, I’m espousing grave and, I believe, legitimate concerns over this matter.  As Christians, we must recognize the brutal reality that the homosexual lifestyle cannot produce its own offspring. The only way they can successfully fulfill their agenda is by seduction, molestation, by adoption, and by indoctrinating our children.  That’s why it is not a coincidence when we find the homosexual agenda slithering into our schools, malls, libraries, government, entertainment, and various other places to proselytize. They desperately need to influence this next generation and lower their moral resistance in order for their sugar-coated, poisonous agenda to gain the ascendancy. If we love our children and this nation, however, we must not allow this to happen. We must lift high a righteous banner that will uphold Biblical truth, the moral standards of our communities, and the laws that protect us from this debauchery.

The homosexual agenda seeks to establish homosexuality and Christianity as compatible.  According to them, one can be a practicing homosexual and a Christian in right standing with God. The problem, of course, is Biblical Christianity and homosexuality will never be compatible. They are mutually exclusive. No matter how much they protest, one cannot be a practicing homosexual and a Christian in right standing with God.  The Apostle Paul plainly stated that homosexuality is one of several practices of sin of those will not inherit the Kingdom of God.  He warned us to be not deceived in these moral matters

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 states:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind (King James term for homosexuals), Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

The true Church, therefore, can never allow itself to become the religious propaganda machine that is used to sanitize their evil. We must not tolerate or condone homosexuality. To do so is to invite the wrath of God upon America, condemn homosexuals to hell, and to foolishly squander our children’s future because of our moral cowardice. 

As our nation continues to bow before the homosexual agenda and codifies their evil into law, their lifestyle is gaining more protection, while Christian’s freedom of speech and religion are being increasingly threatened. As the homosexual fascists promote “Hate Crimes” legislation, the time may come sooner than we think when the Church may by this “mischief framed by law” have to censor the sound teaching of Scripture.  The passages that condemn homosexuality as a sin and an abomination may soon be considered “Hate Speech.” Men of God who refuse to bow before this modern-day Baal may face fines and imprisonment, while homosexuals will be free to trample under foot everything that is decent, wholesome, and honorable in America.  Preaching the truth that has the power to save the souls of homosexuals will be deemed a “Hate Crime.” Is this what we want to have to face in the near future? Is this the godless legacy we want to pass to our kids? I pray not!

To The Homosexual

If you happen to be trapped in the homosexual lifestyle and you’ve had the courage to read this, I want you to know there is still hope for you. I also know you sincerely believe that your deliverance is found in society accepting your indecent behavior as perfectly normal. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Your deliverance, as all mankind’s, is found in repentance, the turning away from this grave wickedness to receive the abundant grace and mercy found in Jesus Christ. He alone has the power to set you free from the depression, self-hate, nagging thoughts of suicide, drugs, alcoholism, and the diseases that are epidemic amongst gays. There are literally tens of thousands of ex-homosexuals who can testify and confirm this truth.

I know deep down you’re only craving love and acceptance, but it must be rooted in the truth that sets you free and not in a lie that reinforces you in this sinful, destructive lifestyle.  The Bible says in Proverbs 27:6, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” 

Sure, the Church in America can agree with your gay lifestyle and then watch you perish in your sin for eternity without Christ. Is that real love my friend? I think not! When Christians warn you to repent and be reconciled to God that is not hate calling you, it is love. It is love empowered by truth that can set you free and fulfill the deepest longing of your heart as you are accepted by the One who matters most, the God who created you.

I urge you today to call upon the name of Jesus to acknowledge and repent of your sins before it is too late. For the sake of your eternal soul, just open your heart to receive the abundant pardon and deliverance that comes from God’s amazing grace.

















Message Gone Viral


Intercession: Precursor for Revival