Final Elijah Ministries Mail Newsletter

June 2023

Dear Elijah Ministries Subscriber,

The Lord richly bless you! Our ministry has been on a consistent roll for many years. Since December of 1985, we have faithfully sent out a monthly newsletter. It has been sent to brothers and sisters in Christ who were interested in staying in contact with us to pray and support our ministry.

It has been such a blessing through the years. Those who have received our monthly newsletter helped sustain us through many trials and errors. Faithful brethren like you saw us through the good, the bad, and the ugly, plus, the blood, sweat, and tears in service to our Lord in the battle. Through it all, God has been faithful and we bless His Holy Name!

As you may know, at the age of 67 the Lord has called me to yet another Kingdom project. Besides Elijah Ministries, the Kingdom Leadership Institute Online School, our missionary work, and writing ministry, we are expanding our service to the Lord and starting a church in West Melbourne, FL. It is called The American Reformation Church and it is based on the four fs, Faith, Fatherhood, Family, and Freedom. We seek to be a church that will provide the antidote to the poisonous chaos that is savaging this generation.

Honestly, at this stage of my life, I wasn’t looking for another Kingdom project to take on for the Lord. Our life is busy enough. It was through a year-long prayerful journey that was inspired by our children, that God’s will was revealed. At this point, I’m left with just one option and that is to report for duty and say, “Yes Sir.”

This means we are packing up our lives, uprooting our family, and plan on moving to Florida in late August. God willing, we will have our first church service on October 29th, in the year of our Lord, 2023. As a result, we will have to shut down the Elijah Ministries address after many decades. It truly boggles my mind. In light of this profound change, I thought it best to find another way to stay in touch with our Elijah Ministries subscribers who have received our monthly newsletter for years.

It is going to be an expensive move to find a home and start a church from scratch. To save resources, I thought it prudent to send this personal letter to you. It is intended to let you know that this will be our last hard copy newsletter sent from Waco, TX. Though this is a difficult adjustment, I hope you will still want to stay in contact and prayerfully support the ministry.

The truth is, we can use your help now more than ever. This is a huge adventure and we are trusting in the Lord to meet our every need as we move forward to obey His will. We believe as God expands the Kingdom vision in and through our family that He will bring forth the necessary provisions.

If you still want to receive our monthly newsletter, please send me back your email address to be added to our Elijah Ministries’ email newsletter. We will no longer send out hard copies per month via snail mail.

If so led by the Holy Spirit, please also add an extra donation to help bless this new Kingdom work in Florida. It is through the email alert system that we will continue to send out our monthly newsletter to stay in contact with our monthly supporters.

Once we add you to the email list, there will be a donate button on each email alert that we send out. It will go to this link, If you are willing, you can go to that link now to set up your monthly donations so our monthly support can continue unaffected by this challenging change in our lives.

I’ll conclude this last mailing of Elijah Ministries with much thanksgiving to the Lord and for you, His people. William Carey, the great missionary to India, once stated, “Expect great things from God and attempt to do great things for God.” This is in our hearts as we press on to that high call and prize in Jesus’ name!


Pastor Rusty Thomas, American Reformation Church           


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