Satan and the Grammys

Facebook lit up like a Christmas tree as Christians witnessed one of the most overt expressions of satanic worship that even surpassed a Super Bowl half time show. In some ways, one can understand the knee jerk reaction to the satanic themes celebrated by the Hollywood elite. Tales of satanic rituals, pedophilia, and other wicked pagan practices have been standard fare coming out of Tinsel Town for years.

In other ways, why should Christians be shocked? Years ago, we moved from being One Nation under God to become One Nation under Moloch and all his bloody idolatries. Under our watch, good has become evil and evil, good. Evil has been codified into law. Tyranny in our government and moral anarchy in our culture rule the day.

Witchcraft has experienced a revival amongst today’s youth and the enemy is having a field day in devouring this generation. Sexual immorality that has led to sexual confusion has unleashed untold mental and physical maladies that torment our young.

We have warned for years if a nation legalizes child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood there will be hell to be paid. Psalms 106 reveals some of the severe consequences that will befall a nation who murders babies made in the image of God.

They served their idols, which became a snare to them. They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood. Thus they were defiled by their own works, and played the harlot by their own deeds. Therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against His people, so that He abhorred His own inheritance. And He gave them into the hand of the Gentiles, and those who hated them ruled over them (Psalms 106:36-41).

 Notice some critically important truths from this passage of Holy Writ. First, child sacrifice nurtures the demonic realm. This partly explains why satanic expressions are growing more blatant in these days. Second, this pagan practice not penalized by civil government, who is ordained by God to punish murderers, will pollute and defile the land. Third, this travesty of justice and demonic worship angers the Lord. What does this anger look like in the real world? Those that hate you will rule over you. One glance towards Washington DC reveals the veracity of this warning.

 When a nation abandons God, it will always resort back to the brutal darkness of paganism. Violence, perversion and satanic worship will proliferate. This is what we are witnessing in our day. Bloodshed touches bloodshed, Hosea warns (Hosea 4:2). Violence will break out like a plague. What men and nations sow, they shall surely reap. God is not mocked. We have sowed domestic terrorism in the womb and violence, perversion, and satanic manifestations have increased outside of the womb.

 As God’s people, we can fret, look to be raptured from our responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission, prune some of the branches of abortion as much of the Pro-life movement has done, or we can take the ax of God’s truth to the roots of this bloody idolatrous tree.

 It is this root that nourishes so many other evils plaguing us today. Human life has been cheapened as the Devil takes the youngest. Child sacrifice leads to so many other crimes being committed against our sons and daughters in our beleaguered nation.

 The pro-aborts are blinded to this reality (2 Corinthians 4:4). They demean the church for not caring about the born, which is a lie from the pit. They accuse the church of not being considerate about the plight of children after they are born. They pursue this slander to try and gain the high moral ground to project their evil upon us to justify their support of abortion.

 The point they, our nation, and much of the church does not see, however, is the direct connection between abortion and the other evils savaging our children. Jesus taught explicitly on the connection between roots and fruits. He declared:

 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them (Matthew 7:17-20).

 There is a bad tree that is producing bad fruit. The bad tree is child sacrifice, the shedding of innocent blood that is producing other crimes and evils against our own sons and daughters, such as, sex trafficking, molestation, abandonment, and other ills. Some will be outraged by this comparison. Let them rage, but it will not stop the onslaught against our young. If a nation allows a woman to hire an assassin to murder her baby, should we be shocked that society influenced by the devil would commit other evils against children?

 Wake up! We all need to snap out of it! Judgment first begins with the house of God. We must connect the dots and repent by bringing forth fruit meet for repentance. We can no longer afford to ignore these national abominations that have brought national calamity upon us and our children.

 To help equip the Body of Christ to no longer regulate baby murder, but actually abolish it, we have put together a website and study course program. It is based upon our book, Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion. It is at this website, that pastors, elders, fellow Christians, and magistrates can receive the instruction, training, and teaching needed to prayerfully see America liberated from blood guiltiness and all its subsequent evils as state by state abolishes abortion.

 The good news is once we honestly deal with the root of our woe, the other crimes and evils against our young will diminish considerably. The demonic realm will lessen as their blood supply that nourishes them is cut off. This is a vital truth when it comes to the nature of spiritual warfare. It is full armor time church. Get a hold of God’s ax, the truth of His Word, unsheathed it, and apply it to the root and trust God He will deliver us from its evil fruit in Jesus’ name!









Interview with Apologia Radio


Possible Big Changes Coming