Sign Up for Kingdom Leadership Institute

On February 24th, 2025, the Kingdom Leadership Institute will launch its first official semester. It will go through to late June. We conducted a pilot semester last fall with a handful of students to work out some of the kinks, test the system, and refine the curriculum. We are grateful for the lessons learned and we now look forward to our official launch of our online school.

If you are a young man interested in becoming a leader a time like this demands and have a godly desire to be trained in pastoral ministry, entrepreneurism, or political statesmanship, now is the time to sign up. Strong of limb, keen of wit, and fervent in spirit is our standard for this 2 year program divided into 4 semesters.

The first year, 2 semesters, all students will undergo similar training that will root and ground them in the Gospel of the Kingdom and a Biblical worldview. It is crucial that each student comprehend that God’s Word is authoritative and needs to be applied to every area of life. Jesus is to have preeminence in all things (Colossians 1:18).

The last year, 2 semesters, each student will be trained in his specific field of study, whether pastoral ministry, business, or politics. The cost for signing up is $1000.00 per semester. The total for the 2 years is $4000.00. We have worked hard to keep this program inexpensive as possible, while not sacrificing the quality of education.

If interested, go here to sign up and begin the vetting process. Do not delay, but act decisively. If you are done with lesser things young men and want to be challenged, trained, and provoked to love and good works make preparations now to join the Kingdom Leadership Institute this next semester.

Go to and press on the Apply Now button and let your Kingdom adventure begin in Jesus’ name!




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American Reformation Church Prayer Journal 51