Children and the Kingdom

This podcast episode is the message that I recently preached at Apologia Church. It is called “Children and the Kingdom of God.”

The Lord used the abortion holocaust to challenge me on the importance of marriage, family, and children.

I thought I was a spiritual giant, until I got married and had children. It was a tremendous reality check. It revealed my lack of having a Biblical worldview when it came to marriage, family, and the blessing of children.

How did I expect to end child sacrifice and abolish abortion when I had the same worldview concerning children as Planned Parenthood?

Psalms 127:3-5, Children are arrows, Kingdom ammunition to subdue the enemies at the gates.

Gates in the Old Testament referred to a three-fold seat of authority. The set of political authority, judicial authority, and the seat of commerce.

From the cultural mandate, the Fall and promise of Messiah to Abraham and his Seed, Christ, blessing all the families and nations of the earth, it is clear it takes a godly seed to advance God’s Kingdom in the earth Malachi 2:14, 15).

Most Christians love the recreational aspects of sex, but due to the anti-child mentality of this age reject the procreational aspects of sex.

Matthew 19:13, 14 states, “Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.  But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

So, why birth control, why abortion, why the wicked pursuit by the elites to depopulate the world? Self-preservation is a mighty motivation. For Satan, a godly seed that advances the Gospel of the Kingdom is the toll of his demise. It is either go after the seed of man or be dispossessed in the earth.

Lastly, those who get married, stay faithful to their spouse, trust God who opens or closes the womb, with the number of children own the future.

The wicked shall be cut themselves off, but the righteous shall inherit the earth.

This is not a vain thing, this is our life.


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