Behold the King: The Prophets

This podcast episode continues the series of “Behold the King” this Advent season.

Today, we will behold Him from the book of Isaiah.

The calling of the prophet was a difficult Kingdom assignment.

It was wrought with danger, persecution, misunderstanding and martyrdom.

Isaiah was sawn asunder.

In some ways, God’s prophets were His prosecuting attorneys as the Lord brought covenantal cases upon Israel and the surrounding pagan nations.

One word to describe Prophet in the Hebrew is the word Nabi (Heb. nabi, which means "to bubble forth, as from a fountain," hence "to utter”.

In the time of Samuel another word, ro'eh , "seer", began to be used. This reveals God’s prophets were visionary leaders of God’s people.

True prophets could foretell, predict the future and prophesy of future events down to the minutest details like we see in Isaiah 53.

They also were called to forth tell. Jeremiah 23:22, “But if they had stood in My counsel, and had caused My people to hear My words, Then they would have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their doings.”

Another term is kosem "diviner," a word typically used reveal false prophets like Balaam.

Isaiah has some of the most glorious detailed prophecies concerning the Messiah in all the prophetic books.

Skeptics claim Isaiah was written after the Gospels, because no one could be that accurate. The Dead Sea scrolls removed that assertion.

Isaiah presents a full portrait of the Messiah. He is a child, but God. He has a victorious Kingdom, but He is also a Suffering Servant.

The Scriptures covered in this episode are Isaiah 2:1-3, 7:14, and 42:1-4.

Behold your King church and let earth receive her King.


Interview with Jason Storms: Bible Reading Schedule


Behold the King: The Psalms