Further Up and Further In: An interview with Marcus Schroeder

When I stepped down as National Director of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America, my last official message to the next generation of leaders and laborers in the battle was "Further up and Further in."

Tomorrow on Kingdom Moments with Rusty Thomas I interview a young man who took that admonishment to heart. His name is Marcus Schroeder. He was one of the young people who was recently arrested at the Dr@g Que&n debacle in Watertown, Wisconsin for seeking to protect children from those who would groom them for abuse.

Since then, his story has gone viral and the door has opened to him and others to glorify Christ, speak the truth in love, and rebuke this great wickedness in this generation on national and local platforms.

Marcus is a solid, articulate, and committed Christian who is willing to go "Further up and Further in." You will not want to miss this interview. It will give you hope for the future, knowing there are young people like Marcus rising up and taking their place in the battle for the souls of men, the lives of children, and the future of our beleaguered nation. To God be the glory!

Resources for this episode

Marcus Shroeder’s Youtube Channel: Warriors for Christ

Marcus addressing the city council after being arrested:Watch here

Viral video of Marcus being arrested: Watch Here

Article covering the event: Read Here

My personal letter to the Mayor & Chief of Police:

“ We live in a time of great moral confusion and chaos. We are raising a generation that does not know the difference between a boy and girl. Tragically, good has become evil and evil has become good under our watch. Evil has also been codified into law creating governmental tyranny and moral anarchy in our culture. Both are great threats to our future liberties.

Our government is being seduced to defend, promote, and support that which Almighty God considers abominations and therefore, it must of necessity punish the righteous and deny them their constitutional rights.

This is being done deliberately and conscientiously.

Recently, there was a dr@g queen event where the child groomers, perverts, and molesters were supported, defended, and endorse by city and state officials. Those who opposed the sexualization of children were promptly arrested. Your city and state government committed a double abomination. Proverbs 17:15 declares, "He that justifies the wicked, and he that condemns the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord." Even your own ordinance testifies that is was the drag queens, city, and state government officials that committed the crime. Wisconsin statute 948.055 states, "Whoever intentionally causes a child who has not attained 18 years of age...to view or listen to sexually explicit conduct may be penalized as provided in sub(2)..." This is no light matter.

Our national motto has moved from "In God we Trust" to "Devil take the Youngest."

We butcher children in the womb under the color of law. We kidnap them out of the womb and sell them into human sex trafficking, and now we are permitting pedophiles to groom them for future sexual abuse.

This is happening with the blessing of the state that is ordained by God to stop this madness and rescue these children. You need to muster the moral courage and political will to make sure this debacle never takes place in your city ever again and know you will stand before God to give an account on the discharge of your duty. God grant you repentance and a desire to wield the sword of justice in a just manner as it pertains to your future service in Jesus' name!


Pastor Rusty Thomas American Reformation Church”




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