It’s Good to be a Man: Interview with Michael Foster

It’s good to be a man.

Yet we live in a world where boys are growing up being taught to hate how God created them.

They turn into husbands and fathers that are unprepared and lost as to what it really means to be a man, according to God's Word.

Pastor Michael Foster experienced this deficit in his own life and is now teaching men to live how God made them to be and to walk in a way that fulfills the creation mandate, glorifies God and advances His Kingdom here on earth. He shares powerful truths that will also equip men to pass on the paton of masculinity to their sons.

What you will hear about in this episode:

. Positive Masculinity

. Absalom- The Corruption of Patriarchy

. Sex is Good

. The War on Sex

. Why is the Church Effeminate?

. Manhood regained - Being born again and coming under the Fatherhood of God.

What an honor it was to be able talk with this dear brother in the Lord. I’m so thankful Michael.

Resources for this episode:

It’s Good to be a Man book: Buy here

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It’s Good to be a Man Pt. 2


Homosexual Heresies