Florida or Bust

This past month was unusual on many levels. It was a time set apart for a sabbatical rest. That is a very strange concept to me and even harder to accommodate. There were, however, traveling opportunities that took place in Missouri and Kentucky to preach at their state capitols during this month of consecration to further the work of abolition. Plus, an effectual door opened to preach at a church in Ormond Beach, Florida.

The rest of the time was spent seeking the Lord on possible health benefits. Plus, and more importantly, I was spying out the land to determine the Lord’s will on starting a church called the American Reformation Church. The Lord prospered the journey.

There were a few fleeces set before the Lord. There were certain witnesses asked of Him to confirm through much prayer. I’m grateful to report, He affirmed the move. We found incredible favor with the local pastors, Christians, and our family that is there, our son, Josiah, his bride Mariah, and two sons. They are all excited about helping to plant the church and see it prosper in the Lord.

God willing, we plan on moving to Florida at the end of August or beginning of September. My son, Valiant, his bride Jaryn, will move with us. Jaryn is pregnant with their second son. She is due August 11th. The plan is to have them move in with us this July and have the baby. God willing, once our grandson is born, Jaryn will have a couple of weeks to recuperate. Afterwards, we plan on making the big move to Florida.

There are a couple of our other children that are planning to join us on this next Kingdom adventure. Cassia and her five children, plus our oldest son, Elijah, plan on coming as well. Our other children may join later if indeed God prospers the work and provides more opportunities for our family to do life together and serve the Lord. This development is a true goodness to my soul at this stage of my life.

We will continue Elijah Ministries as our traveling ministry in America and abroad. Please pray for able men to join the church as faithful pillars and elders to feed the flock of God if I’m called away on the mission field. God willing, we will also continue our podcast, Kingdom Moments with Rusty Thomas, our online school, The Kingdom Leadership Institute, and our writing ministry. Along those lines, two significant developments took place recently.

First, two Navy Seals that serve with Team Four have agreed to put together our physical ed training program for our school and our latest book, Jeremiah Strong, will be published soon. To God be the glory!

Indiana Men’s Conference

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:7)

In chapters 2 and 3 of the book of Revelation, the above passage of Scripture is quoted to the seven churches. It is a call by the Apostle John for each church addressed to pay attention to the Holy Spirit and how He applies God’s word, will, and way specifically in their day. As we look around in our day, what Biblical themes, topics, and truths would the Holy Spirit illuminate in our day? I truly believe one of them so crucial to the future welfare of individuals, families, churches, and our communities is to address the deplorable state of manhood in the modern era and what is needed to restore Biblical masculinity.

Even the world recognizes the wretched state of masculinity in our nation. Here are some quotes we need to consider in this current crisis as our nation pursues the feminization of masculinity and the masculinization of femininity.

“Because there is very little honor left in American life, there is a certain built-in tendency to destroy masculinity in American men.” –Norman Mailer

Senator Josh Hawley in a keynote speech at the National Conservatism Conference recently, Hawley accused the political left of seeking to redefine traditional masculinity as toxic, and called for a "revival of strong and healthy manhood in America."

"This is an effort that the left has been at for years now and they have had alarming success," he said. "American men are working less, they are getting married in fewer numbers, they're fathering fewer children, they're suffering more anxiety and depression, they're engaging in more substance abuse."

Hawley said he did not want to paint all men as victims, but he blamed the left for wanting to define "traditional masculine virtues" like courage, independence and assertiveness as "a danger to society." "Can we be surprised that after years of being told they are the problem, that their manhood is the problem, more and more men are withdrawing into the enclave of idleness, and pornography, and video games?"

Interestingly, the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, and the last chapter, 4, calls for a revival. It is not a revival in the historical sense of God pouring out His Spirit upon a certain location and people, but a revival of fatherhood.

God’s Word states, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4:5, 6).

In order to raise up godly husbands and fathers for future generations, we have to restore biblical masculinity today. We are out of order in our roles and functions as men and women and our children are spinning out of control. This men’s conference will address these and many other issues associated with this important topic. Hope to see you there. If you would want a men’s conference in your area, feel free to leave a comment and make a request.




Men’s Conference Report


Conspiracy vs. Conspiracy Mindedness