EXPOSED: The Procedure

A wise man stated, "If something is so horrible we can't stand to look at it, perhaps we should not be tolerating it."

Today a Kingdom stone has launched. It will once again find its projectile heading toward the forehead of our modern day Goliath, the Goliath of child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood. This brief video must spread like wildfire.

Be ready brethren to repent of this national abomination and then bring forth fruits meet for repentance by abolishing abortion once and for all in Jesus' name!

WATCH THIS VIDEO by Kevin Sorbo - Warning, contents in this video are graphic but let our hearts be broken over what is going on daily here in America.

If you are ready to take this sin on and to start fighting against it in your area but don’t know where to start, I will be happy to come serve your town by coming and conducting a Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion Workshop. Details are HERE. You can fill out an event request form on the Events tab on this site and I’ll get back in touch with you as quickly as possible.

Let us be the light in this darkness that is plaguing our country!

The Procedure Short Film



