A Real American Hero


One of the most meaningful elements of the Thanksgiving saga centers on

God’s providential hand concerning an Indian known as Squanto.  He was

born and raised amongst an Indian tribe known as the Patuxets.  They were

one of the fiercest tribes located in New England.  This particular tribe was

especially brutal towards any visitors they might encounter.


As a young man, Squanto was kidnapped and sold into slavery.  He was

taken to a notorious slave-trading port known as Malaga, which is located off

the coast of Spain.  Fortunately for Squanto, instead of being sold and

shipped off to North Africa, he was rescued by some local friars.  It was here

that Squanto became familiar with certain aspects of the Christian faith. 

Little did Squanto know at this stage of his life that God was preparing him

for a significant role that he would later play at Plymouth. 


Eventually Squanto attached himself to an Englishman bound for London. 

While in London, Squanto resided with a wealthy merchant.  During this

time, he was trained in the English language.  Once again, God's providence

was at work in Squanto’s life.  Before long, he began to yearn for his

homeland.  In God’s providence, Squanto embarked back home to New

England with a Captain Dermer.  While approaching the Maine coast, another

important piece to the Thanksgiving puzzle came into being.  Captain

Dermer picked up another Indian called Samoset and dropped them both off

at Plymouth.


Upon their arrival, which in God’s providence was 6 months prior to the

landing of our Pilgrim forefathers and foremothers, Squanto was dismayed

to find that his entire tribe was missing.  He searched diligently, but all that

he found was skulls, bones, and his village lying in ruins.  Out of all that

Squanto experienced thus far, this was probably the hardest blow

yet.  Unbeknownst to him, after being kidnapped, a plague swept through

his tribe and wiped out every single member of his village. 


Squanto wandered aimlessly for a time, but eventually found refuge with

another more peaceful tribe that was led by the chieftain Massasoit.  While

adjusting to living after the manner of this tribe, one day Samoset brought

news to him concerning a band of folks that were hard pressed to stay

alive.  It was at this point God’s purpose for Squanto became apparent.  The

arrival of the Englishmen became for Squanto his purpose, vision, and

mission in life.  To him, the Pilgrims were lost in the wilderness and they

desperately needed someone to show them the ways of the wild.  Of course,

once the Pilgrims learned Squanto’s testimony, they believed he was their

Joseph.  Just like Joseph in the Old Testament was sold into slavery and

suffered many hardships and injustices to preserve life for Israel, Squanto

was America’s Joseph to the Pilgrims.


From the moment Squanto entered the Pilgrims lives, he mentored them with the necessary means to survival.  He taught them how to fish, plant corn, stalk deer, plant

pumpkins, refine maple syrup from maple trees, discern which herbs were

good for food or medicine, and which were the best berries for

consumption.  Besides all these manifold benefits, Squanto introduced them

to the pelt of the beaver.  It was this new development that improved their

economic condition, just as the prior help improved their health and physical



As great as these improvements were, however, the Pilgrims still suffered

hardships.  Governor Carver was suddenly struck down.  He died three days

later.  William Bradford was unanimously chosen to replace him as

Governor.  Soon after, another temptation came that would throw the colony

into despair.  Captain Jones who transported the Pilgrims in the Mayflower to

these shores decided to return to England.  Captain Jones before he left

begged the Pilgrims to return with him because he greatly feared for their

future.  And though the offer was contemplated, not one of the Pilgrims

budged.  Their perseverance in the midst of sickness, deprivation, and

death had forged a special bond in the love of Jesus Christ that the Pilgrims

were not willing to abandon.


The summer of 1621 proved to be a blessing for the Pilgrims.  Buildings

were being erected and trade expeditions led by Squanto proved

advantageous.  The fall harvest was beyond their expectations.  With such

favor finally manifesting, the Pilgrims were overflowing with gratitude. 

Almighty God had carried them through dark, difficult days.  He had raised

up Squanto to help them not only survive, but to actually begin to thrive.  As

a result, Governor Bradford called for a day of public Thanksgiving. 

Massasoit was invited and he brought about 90 Indians with him.  Though

somewhat daunting, the Pilgrims did not despair, but prayed to God for

provisions.  Happily, the Indians did not come empty handed.  Massasoit

sent out braves to hunt before they came.  For three days they feasted

together.  Elder William Brewster began the festivities with a heart-felt

prayer of much thanks to the God of their pilgrimage.  The Pilgrims and

Indians enjoyed competitive races and wrestling matches throughout their

time together.  It was this event that eventually established our national

holiday known as Thanksgiving. 


Perhaps before you eat and give thanks on Thursday, some portion of

this testimony along with our previous message on Thanksgiving can be

imparted to your family.  The Pilgrim’s example of facing adversity and

overcoming through the love of Christ is legendary.  We need to train

ourselves and posterity to emulate them, especially in these days that we


 Listen to my podcast episode on Squanto here


The Glorious Incarnation


EXPOSED: The Procedure