American Reformation Church

Recently our family went to Florida to spy out the land. In God's good Providence, it looks like we discovered the land and property to start the American Reformation Church.

God willing, we will be holding our first church service at this glorious place on October 29th, 2023. God is definitely going before us and establishing our comings and goings. He is good.

I want to extend a special thanks to the precious Campana family and Pastor Jason Brown for consecrating all this for God's glory, the advancement of His Kingdom, and great salvation in the earth.

American Reformation Church’s vision and mission:

One of the main goals of establishing the American Reformation Church is to provide an antidote to the poison of the spirit of the age that savaging this generation. Our nation, government, culture, churches, and families are out of divine order and spinning out of control. Massive sexual confusion stalks our young as the roles and functions of men and women have been perverted and distorted for decades. 

American Reformation Church will be based upon the four fs, which are faith, fatherhood, family, and freedom. This freedom is not just spiritual and moral freedom from sin, but also to regain and preserve our historical, political liberty to faithfully pass it on to our posterity. 

It will lay a firm foundation upon Jesus Christ our Lord and be careful to build upon it to fulfill the Great Commission and Dominion Mandate.

American Reformation Church intends to be salt and light to the community and beyond.

American Reformation Church will prayerfully establish mercy, evangelistic, and prophetic ministries.

Mercy Ministries:

Food and clothing pantry

Set up charitable giving to support the poor.

Provide baby showers and additional helps for mothers who choose life.

Come up with workout and nutritional helps for the congregation and others outside the church to minister to the whole man.

Evangelistic Ministries:

American Reformation Church intends on establishing evangelistic outreaches at abortion mills, college campuses, etc.

Prison ministry

Missionary funds will be set apart to send our church members and others to the mission field where and when needed. It will support other worthy ministries doing Kingdom works as well.

The church will sponsor sports tournaments to evangelize (Josiah and basketball, etc). The purpose is to reach and disciple young men with the Gospel of the Kingdom. Whoever reaches young men, the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness, wins the future.

The church will provide homeschool covering and resources for our church members and others outside the church to educate our young according to the jurisdiction that God ordained, which is family government.

Prophetic Ministries:

Our church will have a mission to the magistrate. We will have a lobby group set up to keep us updated and help to mobilize the church politically when needed. Also, we will be encouraging qualified men in our congregation to run for public office. Our absence from the civil sphere has produced governmental tyranny, cultural anarchy, and a church that is salt less. We must remedy this deplorable situation immediately.  

The church will look to provide deliverance ministry to those afflicted by demonic harassment to see the captives set free.

Days and Times for Meeting:

God willing, we will meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30 with armed security. There will be no Sunday night service.

The location for the church is 4235 Promise Lane, West Melbourne, FL 32904

The intercessors will gather to pray for the service at 9 am.

The church will meet again on Wednesday night for pray meeting. The church will gather to pray for our local church, family and/or personal needs, the church at large, missions, our city, state, nation, and world missions.

The church also plans on having a social media presence to get our message out on a consistent basis to a wider audience.

For more information on the American Reformation Church, please contact Pastor Rusty Thomas at


Pastor Rusty Thomas




Men’s Conference Report