
“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire” (Jude 1:7).

A dear brother, Rob Pue, heard our latest podcast episode called “Trans-Aggression.” He asked for it to be translated into a written article to include in his newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News. What follows is the fulfillment to accommodate that request.

The title “Trans-Aggression” combines the Biblical term transgression with the added caveat aggression, which is escalating within the transgendered movement. Vileness and violence are quickly forming the foundations of its perverted throne.

The Biblical term transgression carries the idea of crossing the line. It is a sinful action that moves beyond the parameters of God’s Law. When it comes to the sin and crime of sodomy and all its subsequent evils, human sexuality has gone beyond what Almighty God has prescribed for His creatures.

The standard for human sexuality passed down to us from our Creator is limited to one man and one woman in holy matrimony till death do us part (Matthew 19:4-6). God’s Word warns, “Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). Fornication, sex before marriage, adultery, sex with a person other than your spouse, homosexuality, sex with the same gender, bestiality, sex with an animal, incest, sex with a close relative, and other deviant sexual practices are condemned in the Bible.

A nation that insists on violating the sexual embankments that protect mankind from serious consequences will eventually collide with God’s just judgments. Leviticus 18 warns these sexual pagan practices that lead to child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood (Abortion) will bring defilement. At that point, nature, itself, will begin to rebel against the inhabitants. It will vomit them out as God visits the iniquity upon the land. It is clear that our nation has become fractured and is in the process of being dispossessed.

The term iniquity conveys the idea of “twistedness.” Thoughts, beliefs, and sinful actions rooted in iniquity become twisted. The bitter fruit of it will become evident to all who have eyes to see. Moreover, the Lord will not endorse, approve, or have fellowship with any throne of iniquity (Civil government) that frames mischief by law (Psalms 94:20). Our national government forsook God decades ago and now it appears the Lord has turned over our government. Signs of reprobation abound as Washington DC has become “the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird” (Revelation 18:2).

In our opening passage, Jude used Sodom and Gomorrah as a warning against apostasy. He also included the Exodus narrative and the angels that fell from their first estate to reinforce the message. The passage reveals that the strange weather pattern that destroyed these wicked regions was just the beginning of woes. The showers of brimstone followed by intense fire storms certainly impacted the natural world. It did not stop there, however. It blazed the eternal fire of God’s vengeance, which meant the damnation of those souls involved in the sodomite revolt.

The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians warns of the same fate in the New Testament, “Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

The text in Jude also reveals some other truths that we need to take into account as we see Sodom and Gomorrah revive in our day. First, God did not judge Sodom and the surrounding regions based solely on the abomination of homosexuality. Neither did He torch them for the lack of not finding 10 righteous persons to stand in the gap (Genesis 18:16-33; Ezekiel 22:30, 31).

He ultimately judged them to serve as an example. Sodom’s doom is God’s decree that sends a warning to future generations. Men and nations must avoid the sin and crime of sodomy at all costs. The lingering smell of sulphur should convince them to shun this debauchery. If men and nations cross the line, the same terrifying response from heaven will befall all of those who follow in Sodom’s pernicious ways.

Biblically, homosexuality is considered not just a sin, but an abomination. God’s Word states, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination" (Leviticus 18:22). This raises the bar significantly when it comes to the different degrees of sin. All sin is bad and breaks God’s Holy Commandments, but not all sin solicits the same response from heaven (1 John 3:4).     

The word "abomination" translates from the Hebrew word pigguwl. It means something that stinks because it is rotten. It refers to something that makes you sick to your stomach just to think about it. The predominant meaning is, "to stink, to be loathsome, uncleanness." The Greek word is bdelugma, which means desolation. The connection is ominous. Abominations lead to desolations.

Sodomy gnaws at the vitals and rots the souls of those who practice this abomination and nations that condone it. Once it gains the supremacy, it signals the burning out of man.  A homosexualized civilization ends up burning the candle on both ends and will be consumed.

How then should Christians today respond to these abominations that the Bible teaches God disdains with utter contempt? What can we glean from the Biblical narrative as we see Sodom and Gomorrah thrive in our day? Surely, one thing that we can glean is the sodomites back then were delusional. They actually believed they had a right to bust into private property, (Lot’s house) have the right to the bodies of the angelic messengers and have their perverted way with them.

Not sure what was on the law books in Sodom and don’t know if this practice was prevalent, but it clearly had developed into a mindset. The sodomites thought their actions should be accepted by their fellow citizen, Lot, his family, and the angelic messengers. We see a similar spirit unleashed upon the world today. Those who are held captive by this demonic lust are becoming more vile and violent with each passing day. They truly believe they have the right to force their perversions upon us and our children. If we do not concede, they come out with the long knives of the “cancel culture,” which threatens our lives and livelihoods.  

These misguided souls captured by the Evil One to do his bidding suffer from what the Bible describes as vile affections (2 Timothy 2:26). The Apostle Paul in Romans 1 lays out the progression of evil that leads to corrupt affections. It begins with unthankfulness that leads to vain imaginations, and darkened hearts. It progresses from there to delusional thinking, “professing themselves to be wise, they become fools.”  Then, they end up worshipping the creature rather than the Creator. Next, they become unclean through the lusts of their own hearts and dishonor their own bodies. Lastly, they exchange the truth for a lie and this is what ultimately leads to vile and inordinate affections.     

The following is a compilation of the rights accumulated as the homosexual and the transgendered movement’s vile affections gain the ascendancy.

Transgender and homosexual special rights

  1. Right to exhibitionism, nudity, and voyerism on Main Street USA (pride parades)

  1. Right to enter little girls bathrooms (Title IX of the Education Amendments)

  1. Right to undress and shower in front of girls in locker rooms (Title IX)

  1. Right to brainwash toddlers and preschoolers in libraries (drag queen story hour)

  1. Right to sexually exploit children (by performing drag shows for children)

  1. Right to turn children’s television and movies into sexualized propaganda (Disney anyone?)

  1. Right to adopt children 

  1. Right to force Christian business owners to suspend their freedom of religion (provide wedding cakes, floral arrangements, and venues)

  1. Right to force workers to be subjected to homosexual indoctrination, or be fired

10.                Right to objectify women (caricaturization of the female body by drag queens and transgender influencers)

  1. Right to take away women’s safety and privacy (by forcing their way into women’s spaces)

  1. Right to destroy women’s achievements (by competing as pretend women in sports, by speaking as pretend women in marketing, by influencing as pretend women on social media)

  1. Right to destroy women’s non-contact sports (by smashing records)

  1. Right to physically abuse women in contact sports (by smashing heads, like in mixed martial arts when Fox Fallon Fox had fractured Tamils Brents’ skull)

  1. Right to silence women (by labeling them Christians, fascists, TERFs, etc, cyberbullying them, censoring them, and by attacking them at public events)

  1. Right to threaten women (the transgender community’s death threats against TERF’s and others, the Trans Day of Vengeance)

  1. Right to illuminate the White House in rainbow, fly rainbow flags, and paint streets in rainbow colors

There is one final pattern these so-called rights bring up. It needs to be addressed as we compare Sodom and Gomorrah to our present day. Along with the Sodom and Gomorrah saga, there is also the story of the Levite and his concubine (Judges 19). In both instances, sodomites demanded the right to gang rape the male visitors. Stunningly, we are dumbfounded at the response from Lot and the old man. They would offer their women to the sex-crazed maniacs.  “Take my daughters instead” or “take my concubine instead” was their pathetic response.

First, we need to understand that sodomy was so serious a crime and an abomination that it did make men sick to their stomach to even contemplate it. To avoid it, they viewed the giving of their women as less of an offense. Not condoning that reply, but it can perhaps help explain why this ridiculous response from fathers and husbands who should know better was proffered. Either way, both spell the death knell to Biblical masculinity. Aggressive sodomites, coupled with weak, passive men jeopardize a future and a hope for our children and grandchildren.  

The fact they would sacrifice women they were supposed to be taking care of reveals what has happened to our daughters. In our day, we see the same spirit at work. As the homosexual and transgendered movement advances what is happening to the female of the species? Once again, they are being thrown under the bus. 

The sodomites bang on the door and demand access to woman’s bathrooms. They bang on the door to undress in front of girls in their locker rooms. They bang on the door to participate in women’s sports and dominate them. They bang on the door to win women’s beauty contests and on and on it goes.

The tragic reality is most in America today is like Lot and the old man who are willing to sacrifice the girls for their own well-being. They, by silent consent, seem to imply “take our daughters, but leave us alone.”

God forbid, these national travesties continue under our watch. We either repent or we will face more fiery judgments of the Lord. Whether we like it or not, there are only two options left to us, we either repent or perish. It is either Christ or chaos. America, choose wisely, your future hangs in the balance. Repent and believe the Gospel. The Kingdom of God is at hand.  


Pastor Rusty Thomas

American Reformation Church






The Rise of Evil and the Hope of the Gospel


American Reformation Church