The Rise of Evil and the Hope of the Gospel

“Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more” (Romans 5:20).

We are living in interesting times to say the least. We are laboring in the Lord’s vineyard not only in a post Christian era, but a post Christian “demonized” era. Our nation has moved from one conceived in liberty to resorting back to the brutal darkness of paganism.

America has gone a whoring after other gods. As a result, evil spirits have been unleashed upon this generation. These false gods are in reality idols empowered by demonic darkness. The bitter fruit of this godlessness devouring our children is evident to all those who have eyes to see.  

Some of the church believes the rise of evil in this generation signals the “End Times,” the rapture of the church, and the soon 2nd coming of our Lord. Throughout redemptive history, whenever the church and the world fell upon hard times, that was the default theological position. Those generations, however, have come and gone. Nevertheless, Jesus is still seated at the right hand of the Father till all His enemies become His footstool (Psalm 110:1; Acts 3:19-21).

Some, however, do not think it is Matthew 24 that is being fulfilled in our day. They think it is more like, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men (Matthew 5:13).

The Apostle Peter warned that judgment begins first in the church (1 Peter 4:17). There is no doubt that God is judging the brand of American Christianity that has enabled evil by inaction and silent consent. Somehow a lot of professed Christians have managed to ignore the fact that we are to overcome evil by doing good (Romans 12:21).   

I tend towards the Matthew 5 view concerning our current distress. Our nation has abandoned God. We gave Him our official eviction notice decades ago and the church lost its flavor in the process. Nature abhors a vacuum and evil has rushed in to fill the void. Moreover, I hold to this view due to the fact that I’m a Gospel of the Kingdom; fulfil the Great Commission in time and history kind of guy. Why do I tend towards this view?

After the Lord gave all the signs that signals the demise of Israel, where one stone would not be left upon another and their house would be left to them desolate, the Lord declared, “Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place” (Matthew 24:34).

There are five other references in the book of Matthew before our Lord quotes Matthew 24:34 that mentions “this generation.” Every time Jesus cited “this generation” previous to the Matthew 24 quote, most theologians agree that he was speaking to His generation. It was intended for those that were alive under the sound of His voice.

Eventually, a new school of thought in the church arose with a defective hermeneutic principle that radically shifted the meaning in Matthew 24:34.  It suggested that Jesus, though using the same phrase as before, “this generation,” now meant that He was speaking to a future generation. This meant the interpretation changed from signs leading up to Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple’s demise in 70 AD to mean it was signs leading up to the second coming of Christ.

It shifted the destruction of Judea, a small locale, where Christians were told to flee to a world-wide impact (Matthew 24:15-18; Luke 21:20-22). If these signs signaled the end of the world, why is just Judea being warned out of the whole earth? If it is the end of the world, why should anyone flee? It’s over.   

Based upon this novel interpretation, it changed the meaning of “This generation” to mean “That generation,” though it actually says “This generation.” There have been countless prophecies in the last 150 years based upon changing something that is Biblically historical and trying to make it future.

The “End Times” prognosticators constantly forecast the Second Coming of the Lord is nigh, yet, not a single one of their predictions have come to pass. They are consistently wrong and most of the time with no apology to the Lord, the church, or the world.

God’s Word warns that those who prophecy something in the name of the Lord and it does not come to pass, God did not send them. These Christians are speaking out of the imagination of their own heart. They are not speaking accurately on the behalf of the true and living God (Deuteronomy 18:21, 22).

In stating this, I believe those who prophecy the coming of the Lord are for the most part born-again brethren who mean well. I do not ascribe evil intent. It would therefore be unwise to place them in the same category of cults and false religions that purposely deceive unsuspecting souls. I just think their interpretation of Scripture is incorrect and thus their predictions fail to come to pass.

Regardless of which side you fall on, I think we can all agree there is certainly a major rise of evil that we are facing in these dark, tumultuous days. The question then becomes is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Is there a silver lining as the dark clouds gather over us? Is there any reason for a future and a hope? As believers in Christ and His indestructible Kingdom, there is always a living hope (Daniel 2; Isaiah 9:6, 7; Matthew 13:31-33).              

One of the encouraging things I’ve observed in recent years is our Reformed brethren are getting birthed and trained in the battle to abolish abortion. Though they may have had a theological position on demonology, engaging in the battle moved them from a doctrinal belief to the reality of warfare.

Spiritual warfare took on a whole new meaning in their lives as they have engaged our culture of death. As a result, more and more Reformed brethren are interested in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit by coming in contact with demonic activity. This has increased God’s anointing on their lives to destroy the yoke of bondage and set the captives free. May this trend continue in Jesus’ name.

In society, atheistic liberals like Bill Maher are beginning to reject the insanity of the progressive, Marxist agenda. He thinks the liberal world has gone mad. Maher said, "The left is now made up of a small contingent who've gone mental and a large contingent who refuse to call them out for it." He went on to say, “The Democratic Party has lost its common sense.” No, Maher has not repented and been converted, but he still has a brain that is somewhat functional and he is rejecting the evil insanity that is rising in this nation.  

Here are some thoughts given by Shawn Ryan just recently that captures the essence of this article. Ryan is a former Navy Seal, CIA operative that has his own podcast show. He stated, “I have been trying to make sense of all that is happening in my country and in the world. Only to conclude there is no sense to be made. The absurdness has led me to find Christ. Here I am. Today, I began reading the Bible. Something I’ve never done. I believe this is the only truth left here on earth. Maybe the only truth there ever was. Everything else has turned to lies and deception. All of it.”

Joe Rogan, another major podcast influencer, who previously mocked Christianity as a fairy tale, is going through a transition. He is having guests on his show that talk about the supernatural, paranormal activity, and demonic possessions. He has had guests on his show who are his friends that once held to his atheistic worldview. He is shocked to find out that they have repented of their sin and have come to the saving grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. He also had on Jordan Peterson who schooled him on the benefits of the Bible and Christianity in the development of Western Civilization.

Has Joe Rogan repented of his unbelief yet? No, he has not, but he is starting to believe Satan is real and confessed that he hopes there is a God. This is quite a change in this man’s life that influences millions of souls. We should pray for his salvation. He is not far from the Kingdom.

Throughout the Old Testament, Israel had prolonged periods of idolatry and indolence, yet God would revive them. Case in point was the revival and reformation that took place under the leadership of Nehemiah, the governor, and Ezra, the priest, after hundreds of years walking in darkness.

As the Roman Catholic Church in history became more corrupt, the Lord raised up reformers like John Hus, John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, John Knox, and William Tyndale to bring the church back to Him, the authority of His Word, and the truth of the Gospel. The just shall live by faith was the clarion call (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17)

England was in a deplorable condition right before God commissioned George Whitfield and John Wesley to revive and reform England. The same rang true in the Colonies. Morally and spiritually the Colonies were bankrupt and then bam, Jonathan Edwards, delivers the most famous sermon in history. God poured out His convicting Spirit as “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God” birthed tens of thousands of souls into His Kingdom and added them to His church.

Isaiah 60:1-3 states:

“Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.”  

Throughout redemptive history, the Lord has used a black backdrop to highlight His greatest jewel, the church of the living God. His greatest treasures that have been forged in the earth have come through the furnace of affliction. Perhaps, we are living in such times today. I will end with these two last Scriptures to factor in as we wrestle through these evil times.   

Romans 8:20 states, “For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope.” This Scripture gave me fits for years. We sinned, vanity became king, and we became its loyal subjects. How can we derive hope from vanity? How can meaninglessness lead to meaning?  

Good questions and the answers finally came. God created this world in such a way that it does not work properly apart from Him. We can run, but not hide from reality. As more and more folks are recognizing evil in the unseen world and its negative impact upon them, it is awakening them to the reality of God and the truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom.  

May our Lord arise in these dark days and send another Great Awakening that convicts us with the truths articulated in Jeremiah 2:13 and 19:

For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water…Your own wickedness will correct you, and your backslidings will rebuke you. Know therefore and see that it is an evil and bitter thing that you have forsaken the Lord your God, and the fear of Me is not in you, says the Lord God of hosts.

Can I get an amen in Jesus’ name?


Pastor Rusty Thomas

American Reformation Church


Judge Not?

