Here I Stand

Thank you for joining me on another episode!

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Matthew 10:16-20 states,

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”

In this episode I cover:

. What is F.A.C.E?

. What is happening with the 10 people who sang hymns and prayed in the hallway of an abortion clinic to interpose and rescue babies from being murdered?

. What we are doing to make sure their families needs are met.

. Putting persecution and injustice in perspective.

. A Christian’s venue may change, but our message and ministry remain the same.

. How all things work for our good and for God’s glory when we trust and obey.

. Based on redemptive history, we know that God always raises up people to confront tyranny and evil.

. How the obedience of Christians even benefit unbelievers.

. The story of Martin Luther

. How both the political left and right justify prosecuting the reformers God raises up to challenge the corrupt system they both defend, which protect murderers and punishes those who save innocent lives from an unjust death.

and a lot more!


Links for the episode:

FB video: My reaction to the 10's verdict

What is the Doctrine of Blood Guilt? Watch Here on Youtube


My Call to Men


What it Takes to be an Active Member in the Local Church: An Interview with Pastor Derin Stidd