My Call to Men

Welcome to this special episode where I give a specific call to the men willing to listen and heed the call.

In this episode I cover:

- The 4 F’s of the ARC vision, Faith, Fatherhood, Family and Freedom.

- Why ARC is seeking men to advance the Gospel of the Kingdom. Not out of some archaic misogynist impulse, but divine strategy.

- Men, in God’s kingdom, are not superior to women and children. Once a man is saved, however, and seeks to fulfill his duties before God, it automatically transfers love, protection, and provision families need.

- When men are captured by the spirit of the age, it will play a dramatic role on the negative influence of others.

- Men need the church and church needs men.

- Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate are the “Absalom’s “ of today’s generation. They both see the failure of manhood and the attacks against masculinity, but their solutions are not necessarily Biblical.

- The unbelievable advertisement given by explorer, Ernest Shackleton, in 1914 for a harrowing exploit. “The Endurance

- How the Marines recruit young men.

- William Wallace’s challenge to Robert the Bruce.

- God Himself challenges Joshua.

- Men are in danger right now as they are growing weak.They are sitting as spectators rather than engaging as participants. They are living out their masculinity through action movies and video games. Bellies are getting soft, mindsets are weakening and resolve is fading, our encouragement to men is “Be STRONG and of a good courage.” because God is with us, in us, and for us!

- The two type of men we are looking for at American Reformation Church.

-If you feel like you fit into one of these two types of categories, please reach out!

You are needed here.

Reach out to me at any of these touch points below:

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.Email me:

.Ways you can serve at ARC


“He Gets Us” Controversy


Here I Stand