Russian Philosopher Dugin’s View of the West

Proverbs 18:17, “The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him.”

Advice to my children, “Make sure you hear both sides of a story before committing to making a righteous judgment.

Russian philosopher Dugin was once a Communist dissident. He fought against Soviet Union Totalitarianism.

He knew the collective state was running roughshod over the individual and subjecting citizens to despotism.

Dugin stated years ago that western liberalism would lead to fascism.

Back in Dugin’s day, the three main political ideologies were communism, fascism, and western liberalism. Western liberalism won the day and Dugin is convinced this is the new tyrannical ideology ill-affecting the world today.

There is an ongoing battle between the collective and the individual. Communism promoting the collective at the expense of the individual and now Dugin is promoting the idea that western liberalism is promoting the individual at the expense of the collective.

He sees the proliferation of the homosexual agenda, and transgenderism as evidence of the individual seeking autonomy at the expense of the family, the church, and national security interests.

The next step of western liberalism’s march towards totalitarianism is what he calls “transhumanism.” This is where and when the individual decides whether to identify as human our non-human. He offers a bleak future if the west cannot stop the individual from running amok at the expense of the other governments of God that He established for His glory and our good.

God’s Word values and honors both the individual and the collective.

When asked by Tucker Carlson why the left in America went from loving the Soviet Union and Communism to hating Putin and Russia, his answer will surprise you.

Tucker Carlson's Interview with Dugin


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