Mother’s Day Message

There is a story in the German Reformer’s Martin Luther’s life where a shoe maker came to him and said, “Rev. Luther it is obvious how a man of your stature glorifies God, but I’m just a humble cobbler. What can I do to glorify God? Martin Luther replied, “Make a good pair of shoes.”

What can a housewife and mother do to glorify God? Especially, since motherhood is demeaned by the world, ridiculed by feminists, and devalued in society.

What is rejected in the world is highly prized in heaven. The world may not value a woman’s much needed devotion to the Lord, husband, children, church, and community, but God will greatly reward it.

Who can calculate the contribution to God’s Kingdom when it comes to a daughter of God, a handmaiden of the Lord, and a praying woman, wife, mother, and grandmother?

I know firsthand the blessings of a praying wife and mother. My second wife, Kendra, was used of God to bring beauty from ashes as she faithfully prayed for our broken, wounded family that suffered the loss of my first wife, Liz, and mother of our 10 children.

Hannah 's prayer of praise was the forerunner to Mary's Magnificat. Both woman change the world and are known for their contribution to God's Kingdom by being mothers.

One of my keen observations in being married to two godly women is how incredible is the capacity of godly women to absorb the harshness of life and in return grant a measure of comfort, nurturing, and gentleness in our poor-fallen world.

Proverbs reveals that women wield incredible power. Proverbs 14:1 states, “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Proverbs 14:4 states, “A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones. Remember Spider man’s quote, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Lastly, ladies, be mindful of the fallen nature that is specific to women. It is to manipulate, control, and dominate the male. It is good to be made aware of this tendency and to check it. Otherwise, it will undermine whatever aspirations you have to be a loving, faithful wife and mother.

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