Son of Sam to Son of Hope

This episode centers on the incredible testimony of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam.

During the mid 70s in New York City, one of the worst serial killers in America's history terrorized the Big Apple.

Michael Franzese, ex-mob boss for the Mafia, who has a powerful testimony as well, interviewed Berkowitz in prison recently. It was fascinating.

The interview covered his troubled childhood, mental health issues, and his dabbling into satanic occultism.

The interview also covered David's powerful conversion. Psalm 34:6 states, “This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.”

The power of forgiveness is discussed by both Berkowitz and Franzese who both committed unspeakable crimes.

Berkowitz has faithfully served God in prison since his conversion in 1987.

His ministry today consists of serving the church in prison, his website,, and following up with youth who contact him who are contemplating suicide and homicide.

The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, but there is still no pit so deep that God is not deeper still.

Interview with Michael Franzese, Part One:

Interview with Michael Franzese, Part Two:

Monster Mirror by Michael A. Caparrelli


Interview with Pastor Derin Stidd


Mother’s Day Message