America, Russia and the Ukraine War

Today I am weighing in on a very controversial topic. The dealings of what is going on between the nations right now, specifically, Russia, Ukraine and the United States.

I want to direct our attention to what the Bible says in regards to power, nations and wars. What is His heart when it comes to the earth, the church, and the strife of the wicked?

God has a lot to say on this matter and I want to bring both encouragement, and warning as we negotiate through these trying times.

The world may be unsettled and on edge, but there is a steady promise of faithfulness and victory as God fulfills His promise to build His Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail.

The Tower of Babel strategy employed by former emperors of times past that fuels the modern day dictators filled with Messianic impulses shall fail. They will turn to dust like those before them and where is Jesus? He is seated at the right hand of the Father, expecting henceforth till all his enemies are made his footstool.

However things may look right now, and even if wars and strife occur, let the peace of God rule your heart. God and His church will prevail in the affairs of men. He sets up kingdoms and knocks them down. He possesses and dispossesses the nations of the earth according to His good will.

Take courage brothers and sisters, our duty is obedience to God and the results belong to Him.


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